Lori has 14.25 cups of cupcake batter. If each cupcake uses 0.75 cups of batter. How many cupcakes can Lori make?



14.25 / 0.75 = ?

14.25 /0.75 = 19


To find out how many cupcakes Lori can make, you need to divide the total amount of cupcake batter (14.25 cups) by the amount of batter required for each cupcake (0.75 cups).

To do this, you can use the following formula:

Number of Cupcakes = Total Batter / Batter per Cupcake

Substituting the given values:
Number of Cupcakes = 14.25 cups / 0.75 cups

To solve this division problem, divide 14.25 by 0.75:

Number of Cupcakes = 19

Therefore, Lori can make 19 cupcakes.