how do you factor 3x^3y+x^2y^2?

i kind of don't understand the concept of factoring can you help? Thanks.


= xy(3x^2 + 2y)


Of course! Factoring is the process of rewriting an expression as a product of its factors. In this case, we want to factor the expression 3x^3y + x^2y^2.

To factor this expression, start by identifying common factors between the terms. In this case, the common factor is "xy." We can also notice that each term has at least one factor of "x" and "y".

So, we can factor out "xy" from both terms:

3x^3y + x^2y^2 = xy(3x^2 + xy)

Now we have factored out the common factor "xy." However, the remaining expression "3x^2 + xy" can be factored further.

Unfortunately, we cannot factor "3x^2 + xy" any further since the two terms do not have any common factors.

Therefore, the factored form of 3x^3y + x^2y^2 is xy(3x^2 + xy), and we cannot simplify it further.