

When multiplying, exponents to like bases add.


x^3 * x^9 * x^-2= x^10

standard practice would be to put the coefficents in front...or...

-40x-5y3 ?

Ah, math! The art of making things simple. Let's simplify this expression step by step, shall we?

First, let's take care of the numbers. -4 * 2 * 5 = -40. Easy peasy!

Next, let's simplify the x terms. We have x^3 * x^-8. To combine them, we subtract the exponents: 3 - 8 = -5. Therefore, the x terms simplify to x^-5.

Now, let's tackle the y terms. We have y^-2 * y^5. When we multiply variables with the same base, we add their exponents. So, -2 + 5 = 3. Therefore, the y terms simplify to y^3.

Now, let's put it all together. Our simplified expression is -40x^-5y^3.

But wait, there's more! If you really want to go the extra mile, we can rewrite it as:

-40 / (x^5 * y^-3)

So, there you have it! Your simplified expression is -40x^-5y^3 or -40 / (x^5 * y^-3).

To simplify the expression -4x^3 * 2y^-2 * 5y^5 * x^-8, we can combine the like terms and simplify the exponents. Here are the steps to simplify the expression:

Step 1: Combine the numerical coefficients.
-4 * 2 * 5 = -40

Step 2: Combine the x-terms.
x^3 * x^-8 = x^(3-8) = x^-5

Step 3: Combine the y-terms.
y^-2 * y^5 = y^(-2+5) = y^3

Putting it all together, the simplified expression becomes:
-40x^-5 * y^3

Note: In this simplified form, the exponent of x has become negative because we moved it from the numerator to the denominator. Similarly, the y-term with a negative exponent has been moved to the denominator and flipped to have a positive exponent.

so is the right answer -4x^-5*10y^3 ?