Two angles of a quadrilateral measure 130° and 20°. The other two angles are in a ratio of 5:16. What are the measures of those two angles?

did you get this from IXL?

i got this from IXL and this is giving me problems

hi, are you per chance from portage

i also know that in IXL

let the smaller of the unknown angles be 5x and the larger of the two be 16x

so 130+20+5x+16x = 360
21x = 210
x = 10

so the two missing angles are 50° and 160°

check: 50+160+130+20 = 360
50:160 = 5 : 16

Since the angles are in a ratio of 5:6, they have measures of 5n and 6n. Set the sum of the angle measures equal to 360° and solve.

70° + 180° + 5n + 6n = 360°
250° + 11n = 360° Combine like terms
11n = 360° − 250° Subtract 250° from both sides
11n = 110° Simplify
n = 10° Divide both sides by 11
Now plug in n = 10° to find the measures of the angles.
5n and 6n
5 × 10° and 6 × 10°

50° and 60°
So, the measures of the two angles are 50° and 60°.

i got this from ixl and i got 50 and 55