I am having some chemistry problems.

3. The graph compares the 1s orbital energies for the F atom (Z = 9), the Ne+ ion (Z = 10), and the Na++ ion (Z = 11).
(the graph shows F having an Orbital Energy of 692.45, Ne+ with 47.74, and Na++ with 33.52)

a. How many electrons does each species have?

b. According to the graph, which species is most stable?

c. Use Coulomb's law to explain the energy measurements shown in the graph and how this affects the distribution of electrons.

To answer these questions, we need to understand a few concepts related to atomic structure and Coulomb's law.

a. To determine the number of electrons each species has, we need to look at their respective atomic numbers (Z). The atomic number represents the number of protons and electrons in an atom or ion. In the case of the F atom (Z = 9), it has 9 electrons. The Ne+ ion (Z = 10) indicates a charge of +1, meaning it lost one electron and has 10 - 1 = 9 electrons. The Na++ ion (Z = 11) indicates a charge of +2, so it lost two electrons and has 11 - 2 = 9 electrons.

b. To determine which species is most stable according to the graph, we need to compare their orbital energies. Lower orbital energy indicates greater stability. From the graph, we can see that the Na++ ion has the lowest orbital energy of 33.52, followed by the Ne+ ion with 47.74, and then the F atom with 692.45. Therefore, the Na++ ion is the most stable species since it has the lowest orbital energy.

c. Coulomb's law states that the force of attraction or repulsion between two charged particles is directly proportional to the product of their charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. In the case of electrons in an atom or ion, the attractive force between the negatively charged electrons and the positively charged nucleus (protons) is determining the energy levels and the distribution of electrons.

The energy measurements shown in the graph represent the relative amount of energy required to remove an electron from each species. The lower the energy measurement, the more stable the species, as it would require less energy to remove an electron.

In general, as the atomic number (Z) increases, there is an increase in the attractive force between the protons in the nucleus and the electrons in the outermost energy levels. This stronger attraction results in a decrease in the energy required to remove an electron, leading to a more stable species.

In the case of the graph, we observe that as we move from the F atom to the Ne+ ion and then to the Na++ ion, the atomic number gradually increases. This increase in atomic number results in stronger attractive forces, leading to a decrease in orbital energy and higher stability.

Therefore, the energy measurements in the graph and the distribution of electrons can be explained by Coulomb's law, which describes the relationship between the charges and distances of the particles involved in an atom or ion.

did u ever get the answer.