
Find (3a+b)dot(2b-4a) if a=-i-3j+k and b=2i+4j-5k

I did:
=3(-1,-3,1)+(2,4,-5)dot 2(2,4,-5)-4(-1,-3,1)

The text book answer is -80. What did I do wrong/

oops. Flipped a sign:

=3(-1,-3,1)+(2,4,-5)dot 2(2,4,-5)-4(-1,-3,1)
= -8-100+28
= -80

Sure looks like you corrected the typo, but made no effort to adjust the corresponding arithmetic.
The unnecessary duplication of work could have been avoided.

To find the dot product, you should multiply the corresponding components of the vectors and then add them up.

a = -i - 3j + k
b = 2i + 4j - 5k

Let's calculate the dot product step by step:

(3a + b) dot (2b - 4a)
= 3(-i - 3j + k) dot (2(2i + 4j - 5k) - 4(-i - 3j + k))
= (-3i - 9j + 3k) dot (4i + 8j - 10k + 4i + 12j - 4k)
= (-3i - 9j + 3k) dot (8i + 20j - 14k)

Now, let's calculate the dot product by multiplying and adding the corresponding components:

(-3i - 9j + 3k) dot (8i + 20j - 14k)
= (-3)(8) + (-9)(20) + (3)(-14)
= -24 - 180 - 42
= -246

Thus, the correct result is -246, not -80.

To find the dot product of two vectors, you need to multiply their corresponding components and then sum up the results. Let's go through the steps to find the correct answer:

a = -i - 3j + k
b = 2i + 4j - 5k

Step 1: Calculate (3a + b)
To find (3a + b), you need to multiply each component of a by 3 and each component of b by 1, and then add them together.

(3a + b) = 3(-i - 3j + k) + (2i + 4j - 5k)
= (-3i - 9j + 3k) + (2i + 4j - 5k)
= -3i + 2i - 9j + 4j + 3k - 5k
= -i - 5j - 2k

Step 2: Calculate (2b - 4a)
To find (2b - 4a), you need to multiply each component of b by 2 and each component of a by -4, and then subtract them.

(2b - 4a) = 2(2i + 4j - 5k) - 4(-i - 3j + k)
= (4i + 8j - 10k) - (-4i - 12j + 4k)
= 4i + 8j - 10k + 4i + 12j - 4k
= 8i + 20j - 14k

Step 3: Calculate the dot product using the formula
To calculate the dot product, you multiply the corresponding components and then sum them up.

(3a + b) · (2b - 4a) = (-i - 5j - 2k) · (8i + 20j - 14k)
= -i(8i) + (-i)(20j) + (-i)(-14k) +
(-5j)(8i) + (-5j)(20j) + (-5j)(-14k) +
(-2k)(8i) + (-2k)(20j) + (-2k)(-14k)
= -8i^2 - 20ij + 14ik - 40ij - 100j^2 + 70jk - 16ki - 40kj + 28k^2
= -8i^2 - 60ij + 70jk - 100j^2 + 14ik - 16ki + 28k^2

Now, you need to express the terms in terms of i, j, and k using the given values.

i^2 = -1, j^2 = -1, k^2 = -1
ij = ji = k, jk = kj = -i, ki = ik = -j

Substituting these values:
(3a + b) · (2b - 4a) = -8(-1) - 60k + 70(-i) - 100(-1) + 14k - 16(-i) + 28(-1)
= 8 + 60k - 70i + 100 + 14k + 16i - 28
= 108 - 54i + 74k

So, the correct answer is 108 - 54i + 74k. It seems your calculation mistake occurred during the step where you multiplied the terms incorrectly. Going through the steps correctly will help you get the correct answer of 108 - 54i + 74k.