There are 4 parts to The Declaration of Independence. Match each part of The Declaration of Independence to its description.

Potential Matches:
1 : Preamble
2 : List of Grievances
3 : Declaration of Natural Rights
4 : Resolution of Independence


: This part lists the natural rights of citizens and says that it is the government's responsibility to protect these rights.

: The first part of the document that states that when it is necessary for people to separate from their government, they must give their reasons for separating.

: The final part of the document that declares that the colonies are "Free and Independent States."

: This part lists complaints that the colonists have with Britain. It specifically blames King George

could i get help matching these ?

This should get you started.

Preamble means the beginning.
Final part is the last part.

Sure! Here are the correct matches for each part of The Declaration of Independence:

1 : Preamble - The first part of the document that states that when it is necessary for people to separate from their government, they must give their reasons for separating.

2 : Declaration of Natural Rights - This part lists the natural rights of citizens and says that it is the government's responsibility to protect these rights.

3 : List of Grievances - This part lists complaints that the colonists have with Britain. It specifically blames King George.

4 : Resolution of Independence - The final part of the document that declares that the colonies are "Free and Independent States."

I hope this helps!

Certainly! Let's go through each part of The Declaration of Independence and match them to their descriptions:

1 : Preamble - The first part of the document that states that when it is necessary for people to separate from their government, they must give their reasons for separating.

2 : List of Grievances - This part lists complaints that the colonists have with Britain. It specifically blames King George.

3 : Declaration of Natural Rights - This part lists the natural rights of citizens and says that it is the government's responsibility to protect these rights.

4 : Resolution of Independence - The final part of the document that declares that the colonies are "Free and Independent States."

Now that I've explained each part and its description, you can match them accordingly.