Emilio’s pay varies directly with the number of sales he makes. He made 22 sales and earned $154.

How much will he earn for 35 sales?


35(154/22) = ?


You're right.

so 245 is the anwser

To find out how much Emilio will earn for 35 sales, we can use the concept of direct variation.

Direct variation is a mathematical relationship in which one variable (Emilio's earnings) is directly proportional to another variable (the number of sales he makes). This means that as the number of sales increases, Emilio's earnings will also increase by a certain factor.

To find this factor, we can use the information given in the question. We know that Emilio made 22 sales and earned $154. This gives us a proportion:

22 sales / $154 = 35 sales / x

To solve for x (the amount Emilio will earn for 35 sales), we can cross-multiply:

22 * x = 154 * 35

Now we can solve for x:

x = (154 * 35) / 22

Evaluating this expression gives us:

x = 35 * 7 = 245

Therefore, Emilio will earn $245 for 35 sales.