The formula SA=4s can be used to find the surface area of a cube. What is the surface area of a cube with lengths of 8 1/2 inches?

The surface area of a cube is A = 6a^2

To find the surface area (SA) of a cube, you can use the formula SA = 4s, where "s" is the length of one side of the cube. In this case, the length of one side is given as 8 1/2 inches.

To calculate the surface area of the cube, we need to substitute the value of "s" into the formula. However, 8 1/2 inches can be written as a mixed number or converted to decimal form. Let's convert it to decimal form:

8 1/2 inches = 8.5 inches

Now we can substitute the value of "s" into the formula:

SA = 4s
SA = 4 × 8.5

Multiply 4 by 8.5:

SA = 34

Therefore, the surface area of a cube with lengths of 8 1/2 inches is 34 square inches.