Write an equivalent ratio for 6 red bulbs to 8 blue bulbs.

6/8 = 3/4

Thank u:)


To find an equivalent ratio for 6 red bulbs to 8 blue bulbs, we need to determine the common factor between the two numbers.

First, we can simplify the ratio by dividing both numbers by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which in this case is 2.

Dividing 6 by 2 gives us 3, and dividing 8 by 2 gives us 4.

So the simplified ratio is 3 red bulbs to 4 blue bulbs.

To find other equivalent ratios, we can multiply both numbers by the same factor. For example, if we multiply 3 by 2, we get 6, and if we multiply 4 by 2, we get 8. Therefore, an equivalent ratio is 6 red bulbs to 8 blue bulbs.

We can also multiply by 3, which would give us a ratio of 9 red bulbs to 12 blue bulbs, and so on.

In summary, the equivalent ratio for 6 red bulbs to 8 blue bulbs is 3 red bulbs to 4 blue bulbs.