Just a start I just need to get the actual review down.

"Boy With a Gift and Curse"
By Jon Blank

The Rocking-Horse Winner is a chilling tale of a young boy who desperately wants to rid the house of unluckieness and please his family

In "The Rocking-Horse Winner," a young boy, Paul, perceives that there is never enough money in his family, he sets out to find a way to get money through luck. He discovers that if he rides his rocking-horse fast enough, he will somehow "know" the name of the winning horse in the next race. He begins to make money and secretly funnel this money to his mother, but the desire for more money only grows more intense instead of going away. He finally rides his rocking-horse so furiously in order to discover the winner of the Derby that he falls into illness and dies, just as the winning horse earns his family an enormous fortune.

You have summarized the plot. This is not a book review.

Please go back and reread the linked webpage I sent you earlier. You must do far more than simply summarize the plot!

That wasn't suppose to be the actual review


You've simply copied and pasted your so-called review from this site. That's plagiarism.


Please follow Writeacher's advice and carefully read the web page she linked.

"The Rocking-Horse Winner" is a captivating short story written by Jon Blank. It tells the story of a young boy named Paul who is determined to bring luck and prosperity to his family. In order to achieve this, he discovers a peculiar ability that allows him to predict the winner of horse races.

To convey your review effectively, you can follow the steps below:

1. Begin with an introduction: Start by briefly introducing the story, its author, and its main theme or message. For example: "In Jon Blank's 'The Rocking-Horse Winner,' readers are plunged into a world where a young boy's unyielding desire for luck and fortune drives the narrative."

2. Summarize the plot: Give a concise summary of the key events in the story, such as Paul's realization about the shortage of money in his family and his discovery of his rocking-horse's fortune-telling abilities. Highlight the rising tension and Paul's increasing obsession with winning money.

3. Analyze the characters: Discuss the main characters and their roles in the story. Focus on Paul, his mother, and possibly other significant characters. Analyze their motivations and how they contribute to the overall narrative. For instance, explore Paul's desperation to win money for his family and his mother's insatiable greed.

4. Explore themes and symbolism: Discuss the underlying themes explored in the story, such as the destructive power of greed and the pursuit of material wealth. Analyze the symbolism of the rocking-horse and how it represents Paul's desperate search for luck and fortune.

5. Evaluate the writing style: Comment on the author's writing style, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. Analyze the tone, pacing, and use of imagery or symbolism to enhance the story's impact. For example, discuss how Blank's vivid descriptions of the rocking-horse and the racing events contribute to the story's suspense and atmosphere.

6. Provide your personal opinion: This is the main section of your review where you share your thoughts and impressions of the story. Discuss what you found compelling or thought-provoking and why. Consider discussing the emotions the story evoked in you and whether it left a lasting impact. Back up your opinion with specific examples from the text, such as powerful quotes or scenes.

7. Conclude with a final thought: Wrap up your review by summarizing your overall impression of the story. You can reiterate the significance of the themes explored or the impact of the narrative. End with a closing statement that encourages readers to experience the story for themselves.

Remember to use proper grammar, provide evidence from the text to support your claims, and maintain a clear and coherent structure throughout your review.