Sara needs to buy some tuna. Each can costs .79 and she has a coupon for $2 off entire purchase, how many cans of tuna can she buy for less than $7.? (translate into inequality and solve)

0.79t - 2 <= 7

So, Sarah can buy 11 cans?

Right, again!


To solve this problem, we need to determine the number of cans of tuna Sara can buy for less than $7.

Let's represent the number of cans Sara can buy as "x".

The cost of each can is $0.79.

So, the total cost of "x" cans of tuna would be 0.79x dollars.

Sara has a coupon for $2 off the entire purchase.

Therefore, the total cost of "x" cans of tuna, after applying the coupon, would be 0.79x - 2 dollars.

According to the problem, Sara wants to spend less than $7 on cans of tuna.

So, the inequality representing this situation would be:

0.79x - 2 < 7

To solve this inequality for "x", we can follow these steps:

1. Add 2 to both sides of the inequality:
0.79x - 2 + 2 < 7 + 2
0.79x < 9

2. Divide both sides of the inequality by 0.79:
(0.79x)/0.79 < 9/0.79
x < 11.39

Therefore, Sara can buy less than 11 cans of tuna for less than $7.