Relationship most resembles the relationship

Circle : sphere
A. Link: Chain
B. Length: breadth
(C.) Triangle : rectangle
D. Square: cube

A circle is flat (2-dimensional).

A sphere is 3-dimensional.

Which of the choices has a 2-D figure (flat) followed by a 3-D figure?

To determine the relationship that most resembles the relationship between Circle : Sphere, you need to identify the similar characteristics of a circle and a sphere.

A circle is a two-dimensional shape that consists of all points in a plane that are equidistant from a fixed center point. A sphere, on the other hand, is a three-dimensional shape that consists of all points in space that are equidistant from a fixed center point.

The common characteristic between a circle and a sphere is that they both have a fixed center point, and all points on their surfaces are equidistant from that center point.

Now, let's consider the given answer choices:

A. Link : Chain - This relationship does not match the characteristics of a circle and a sphere.

B. Length : Breadth - This relationship also does not match the characteristics of a circle and a sphere.

C. Triangle : Rectangle - This relationship does not match the characteristics of a circle and a sphere.

D. Square : Cube - This relationship matches the characteristics of a circle and a sphere. A square is a two-dimensional shape, just like a circle, and a cube is a three-dimensional shape, just like a sphere. Both a square and a cube have a fixed center point, and all points on their surfaces are equidistant from that center point.

Therefore, the relationship that most resembles the relationship between Circle : Sphere is D. Square : Cube.