Can the gravitational potential energy of a baseball ever be negative?


Explain without using a formula.

yes, of course. PE is relaative to an arbitrary zero starting point.

Relative to the top of Mt Evererest, My
GPE is -500N*(8,000) Joules

Thank you so very much

Yes, the gravitational potential energy of a baseball can indeed be negative. Gravitational potential energy is defined as the energy possessed by an object due to its position relative to a gravitational field. The potential energy is zero at the ground level, and it increases as the object is lifted higher. However, if the baseball is propelled upwards with sufficient initial velocity, it can reach a height where the gravitational potential energy becomes negative.

For instance, imagine throwing a baseball high up into the air with a great amount of force. As the baseball reaches its highest point and begins to fall back down, it will momentarily have a negative gravitational potential energy. This indicates that the ball has gained enough kinetic energy (motion energy) during its ascent to overcome the gravitational energy associated with its height. Therefore, at this particular point in time, the gravitational potential energy of the baseball will be negative.

It is important to note that most of the time, gravitational potential energy is positive for objects on or near the surface of the Earth. However, under certain conditions, such as in extreme cases of upward propulsion, the potential energy can become negative momentarily.