In alternative or problem-solving courts, __________ stay involved in the cases from beginning to end.

A. court-appointed counselors

B. defense attorneys

C. judges

D. prosecutors

I think it's C, but not sure.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what alternative or problem-solving courts are and the roles of the different parties involved in these types of courts.

Alternative or problem-solving courts are specialized courts that aim to address the underlying issues and causes of criminal behavior, rather than simply focusing on punishment. These courts provide holistic approaches to help individuals overcome the problems that contribute to their criminal behavior.

In alternative or problem-solving courts, the parties involved often include court-appointed counselors, defense attorneys, judges, and prosecutors. However, the role that stays involved in the cases from beginning to end is the judge.

Judges in alternative or problem-solving courts play a crucial role. They oversee the entire process, from the initial hearings to the final disposition of the case. They make decisions regarding eligibility for and participation in the specialized programs offered by these courts. They closely monitor the progress of defendants and can modify or enforce treatment plans as necessary. Judges also have the authority to impose sanctions or incentives to encourage compliance with the court's requirements.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. judges.