Sorry if I'm sounding as if I'm whining but I'm getting pretty annoyed at how there are many unanswered physics questions. Literally posted a question two months ago and never got any help... This is kinda annoying because the questions get lost in the large feed

Damon answered the last physics question at 8:21 this evening.

Homework Posting Tips

Please be patient. All tutors are volunteers, and sometimes a tutor may not be immediately available. Please be patient while waiting for a response to your question.

I understand but there were many questions asked after that

I'm just curious in knowing if there's any other physic tutors that could help us

Reiny answered one at 10:20 P.M.

I don't think it matters when the last question was answered

I too noticed that there's a lot of physics questions that go unanswered
I think samdata is just asking if there are more physics tutors

You may be right but I think Ms. Sue and I were simply pointing out that at least two profs were around in the last couple of hours. You are right, however, that many question, many of them physics and math, go unanswered.

I understand your frustration with unanswered physics questions. It can be discouraging when you post a question and it goes unanswered for a long time. However, there are a few strategies you can try to increase your chances of getting a response:

1. Be specific: Make sure your question is clear and specific. Provide all the relevant details and background information to help others understand what you are asking.

2. Use appropriate tags: When posting your question, use relevant tags or categories to make it easier for people with expertise in that area to find your question. This will increase the likelihood of getting a response from someone who can help.

3. Engage with the community: Take an active role in the physics community by participating in discussions, answering other people's questions, and providing feedback. This will not only help you establish a reputation but also increase the chances of others noticing and responding to your questions.

4. Ask at the right place: Make sure you're posting your question on a platform or forum where experts and knowledgeable individuals are likely to see it. This could be a dedicated physics forum, a subreddit, or a platform specifically designed for asking and answering questions.

5. Be patient: Sometimes, it just takes time for the right person to come across your question and provide a helpful response. Keep in mind that not all questions have easy or immediate answers, and it may require more time and expertise to provide a satisfactory response.

Remember, the online physics community is vast, and while it can be challenging to get a response sometimes, there are many people who are willing and eager to help. So don't give up, keep trying, and hopefully, you will receive the assistance you are looking for.