Aaron has 5 pounds of flour. He needs 1/8 of a pound of flour to make a single cupcake. how many cupcakes can he make?

5 / (1/8) = 5 * (8/1) = 40

To determine how many cupcakes Aaron can make with 5 pounds of flour, we need to divide the total amount of flour by the amount used for each cupcake.

First, let's convert 5 pounds of flour into ounces since the amount of flour needed for each cupcake is given in pounds. There are 16 ounces in a pound, so we multiply 5 pounds by 16 to get:

5 pounds * 16 ounces/pound = 80 ounces of flour.

Now, we divide the total amount of flour (80 ounces) by the amount of flour needed for each cupcake, which is 1/8 of a pound or 2 ounces:

80 ounces of flour / 2 ounces per cupcake = 40 cupcakes.

Therefore, Aaron can make 40 cupcakes with 5 pounds of flour.