the track at our school is 440 yards long. it took Maya 10 minutes to jog around the track 4 times. find her speed in miles per hour.

I first found out that r=d/t
then we converted minutes to hour.
we got 24 times around the track

find her speed in miles per hour.

440 * 4 = 1760 yards Maya jogged

1760 yards = 1 mile

1/10 = x/60

10x = 60

x = 6 miles per hour

To find Maya's speed in miles per hour, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by calculating the total distance Maya jogged around the track. Since the track is 440 yards long and she jogged around it 4 times, the total distance is 440 yards x 4 = 1,760 yards.

2. Next, convert the distance from yards to miles. Since there are 1,760 yards in a mile, divide the total distance by 1,760: 1,760 yards / 1,760 = 1 mile.

3. Now, we need to convert the time from minutes to hours. Maya jogged for 10 minutes, so divide by 60 to get the time in hours: 10 minutes / 60 = 0.167 hours.

4. Finally, divide the total distance (in miles) by the time taken (in hours) to get Maya's speed. Dividing 1 mile by 0.167 hours, we get 1 / 0.167 = 5.988 miles per hour.

Therefore, Maya's speed is approximately 5.988 miles per hour.