Ashley bought 4 packages of juice boxes.

There are 6 juice boxes in each package. She gave 2 juice boxes to each of 3 friends. How many juice boxes does Ashley have left?

4 * 6 = 24 juice boxes

gave away 2 * 3 = 6

24 - 6 = 18 are left

thank you Damon


Thank you for your help

Yall are so dumb the answer to this question is not ANY of these duh 😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐

To find out how many juice boxes Ashley has left, we need to perform some calculations based on the given information.

Ashley bought 4 packages of juice boxes, and there are 6 juice boxes in each package. So the total number of juice boxes Ashley bought is:

4 packages * 6 juice boxes per package = 24 juice boxes

Then, Ashley gave 2 juice boxes to each of her 3 friends. So she gave away:

2 juice boxes * 3 friends = 6 juice boxes

To determine the number of juice boxes Ashley has left, we subtract the number of juice boxes she gave away from the total number of juice boxes she bought:

24 juice boxes - 6 juice boxes = 18 juice boxes

So, Ashley has 18 juice boxes left.
