If you have 5.6 mL of 95% hexanes to 5% ethyl acetate, how many mL of 85% hexanes to 15% ethyl acetate can you make? Assume unlimited supply of pure ethyl acetate.

To solve this problem, we need to use the method of mixtures. The basic principle is that the amount of solute (in this case, hexanes and ethyl acetate) remains constant when the solute is mixed with a different solvent. We'll use the following equation:

(C1)(V1) = (C2)(V2)

C1 is the concentration of the initial solution
V1 is the volume of the initial solution
C2 is the concentration of the final solution
V2 is the volume of the final solution

Let's plug in the given information:

Initial Solution:
C1 = 95%
V1 = 5.6 mL

Final Solution:
C2 = 85%
V2 = ? (what we're trying to find)

Now, let's rearrange the equation to solve for V2:

V2 = (C1 * V1) / C2

Plugging in the values we have:

V2 = (0.95 * 5.6 mL) / 0.85

Calculating this expression:

V2 = 6.28 mL

Therefore, you can make approximately 6.28 mL of an 85% hexanes to 15% ethyl acetate solution using a 5.6 mL solution of 95% hexanes to 5% ethyl acetate, assuming an unlimited supply of pure ethyl acetate.