History, geography, life science and math litrecy what career choice do or career field do I go to with these subjects

You can do any career field that YOU want.

Like what,but in my mind I have politics and law or phycology

You mean psychology?


Ask your school counselor for help.

What are your grades in those classes? If they're high, then you have more choices.

What do you want to do?

Try these interest inventories to help you focus on your interests.




(Thanks to Ms. Sue for these links.)

With a combination of history, geography, life science, and math literacy, you have a diverse set of knowledge and skills that can be applied to several career fields. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Education: You could become a history or geography teacher, sharing your knowledge with students at various education levels. Additionally, your life science and math literacy skills could be valuable for teaching related subjects.

2. Environmental Science: Combining your knowledge of geography and life science, you could pursue a career in environmental science. This field involves studying and addressing environmental issues, such as conservation, climate change, and sustainability.

3. Archaeology or Anthropology: Your understanding of history and geography can be beneficial in pursuing a career in archaeology or anthropology. These fields involve researching and studying human history, societies, and cultures through excavation and analysis.

4. Urban Planning: Given your knowledge of geography and the interplay between human populations and physical environments, you could consider a career in urban planning. Urban planners work on developing and improving communities, considering factors such as transportation, land use, and sustainability.

5. Data Analysis or Statistics: Your math literacy skills could be applied in a career related to data analysis or statistics. Many industries, such as finance, marketing, and research, rely on professionals who can interpret and analyze data to inform decision-making.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there are countless other career paths that could align with your skills and interests. It's important to explore and research different options to find the one that suits you best.