i have tryed this like ten times but cant get the answer can u help. 58,00 times 7.40% after u get the answer between the two multiply by 3

Is that 58,000 or 58.0?

its 58,000

58,000 * 0.074 = 4,292

4,292 * 3 = 12,876

Of course, I can help you with that! Let's break it down step by step.

To start, we can calculate 7.40% of 58,000. To find a percentage, we divide the number by 100 and then multiply by the percentage. In this case, 7.40% would be written as 7.40/100.

Step 1: Calculate 7.40% of 58,000
58,000 * (7.40/100) = 4,292

So, 7.40% of 58,000 is 4,292.

Now, we need to find the number between 4,292 and 58,000. To do that, we subtract 4,292 from 58,000.

Step 2: Calculate the difference between the two numbers
58,000 - 4,292 = 53,708

Now, we need to multiply this result by 3.

Step 3: Multiply the difference by 3
53,708 * 3 = 161,124

Therefore, the answer you're looking for is 161,124.

To summarize the steps:
1. Calculate 7.40% of 58,000: 58,000 * (7.40/100) = 4,292
2. Calculate the difference between 4,292 and 58,000: 58,000 - 4,292 = 53,708
3. Multiply the difference by 3: 53,708 * 3 = 161,124

If you are still having trouble getting the answer, make sure you are following these steps correctly and double-check your calculations.