Which is NOT an appropriate classification for a triangle?

A. Right Equilateral
B. Acute Scalene.
C. Obtuse Isosceles
D. Right Scalene

Is the answer D?
Thank you

1. @anonymous is right it is a

2. I'm sorry @Callie that some people don't have the decency to be nice 😡. I have dyslexia too, it's can be really hard sometimes. there are many levels of it.
And having college degrees dose not make you smarter than anyone else. It just means you have to put a degree in people's faces just to get hired.

People like Ms. Sue make me sooo mad, picking on people who are just trying to do good in school, and she doesn't even know who these people are. I've seen her on this so many times and she bags on EVERYONE!!!
She is an example of of an ONLINE BULLY!!!

the answer is A by the way... here is some info of why it is A...

Right equilateral would not be a possible classification for a triangle. By definition, an equilateral triangle needs to have all of it's sides equal, but in a right triangle, the hypotenuse is always longer than the two sides. As such, a right equilateral triangle is a contradiction in and of itself.
Hope this helps :)

Yall are mean af. Lay off the kid. She just wants answers. WHAT ARE YALL HERE FOR ANYWAY may I ask. Like none of you have ever tried to get the answer from a teacher. Seriously. Yall are messed up.

you do know I have dyslexia right? I have said it before. Sorry.

No cause I have to read the answers.

Yea we all should stand up to her and create a rebellion. If she tries to shut us down we take her down!!!

She created this site... plus she answers a lot of the questions... i think we should wait till i graduate high school before we rebel... just saying :) <3

The answer is A

I'm sorry for you having dyslexia callie but instead of drama just drop it. It isn't worth the time and effort and you look pitiful if you are always talking about your problems and if you even have that problem cause the chance of you not lying is near to 0% so yeah...

To everyone who hate Ms. Sue: Remember multiple people take her name so don't let this one person make you hate the rest Ms. Sue's

wow !!! xD

Why doesnt everyone just calm down!??!!

"Mrs.Sue" can be literally anyone who makes that name, so......
and anyway the answers i got so far are
thats all i got so far, and i cannot guarentee it to be right
and im only helping because i know how how it feels to be seriously stuck on something.