An aircraft has a lift off speed of 130 km/h.

What minimum uniform acceleration does
this require if the aircraft is to be airborne
after a takeoff run of 350 m?
Answer in units of m/s2

vf^2=2ad solve for a.

change vfinal to m/s

I came to this website to find the answer not to give the damn thing

To find the minimum uniform acceleration required for the aircraft to be airborne, we can use the following kinematic equation:

v^2 = u^2 + 2as

v = final velocity (0 m/s, as the aircraft should be airborne after takeoff)
u = initial velocity (130 km/h converted to m/s)
a = acceleration
s = displacement (350 m)

First, we need to convert the initial velocity (130 km/h) to m/s:
130 km/h = (130 * 1000) / (60 * 60) = 36.11 m/s

Now, we can substitute the values into the equation and solve for acceleration (a):

0 = (36.11)^2 + 2*a*350

Rearranging the equation, we get:

0 - (36.11)^2 = 2*a*350

- (36.11)^2 = 700a

a = - (36.11)^2 / 700

Calculating the value, we obtain:

a ≈ -1.849 m/s^2

Since negative acceleration indicates deceleration, we take the absolute value to get the minimum uniform acceleration:

The minimum uniform acceleration required for the aircraft to be airborne after a takeoff run of 350 m is approximately 1.849 m/s^2.