Gender Socialization

As humans, we learn our culture as well as how to be who we are by way of Enculturation (study term). In your team’s view, how will the members of your created culture learn their culture; what is the process of enculturation practiced? Do they practice informal or formal learning (study terms) practices? Consider in this creation, the cultural norms, practices, social group views, etc. How do they use technology for learning.


Your team's view?? How would we know?

Ms.Sue, I don't have a team this is a 8 week Course Project, I need some assisting please just on this part, Thank you

Why do your instructions refer to "your team"?

Clarify this with your teacher.

Ms. Sue

I am sorry about the team it was a simple mistake. I am doing a team project.As humans, we learn our culture as well as how to be who we are by way of Enculturation (study term). how will the members of your created culture learn their culture; what is the process of enculturation practiced? Do they practice informal or formal learning (study terms) practices? Consider in this creation, the cultural norms, practices, social group views, etc. How do they use technology for learning.

In our created culture, the process of enculturation is mainly based on informal learning practices. This means that individuals learn their culture, cultural norms, practices, and social group views primarily through their social interactions and experiences rather than through formal educational institutions.

The members of this culture learn their culture from a young age by observing and imitating the behavior, traditions, and beliefs of their elders and peers. For example, children learn gender roles and expectations by observing how their parents, siblings, and other members of their community behave and interact.

Technology plays an important role in the learning process of this culture. They use technology as a tool to enhance informal learning. For instance, they might use online platforms, social media, and multimedia resources to access a wide range of information, connect with others of similar interests, and explore different perspectives.

Technology is also utilized for cultural preservation and education. The culture might create digital archives, online museums, or virtual exhibits to ensure the preservation of their traditions, practices, and historical artifacts. They might also develop educational apps or interactive learning platforms to teach important aspects of their culture to the younger generation.

Overall, in this created culture, enculturation is a process of informal learning through observation, imitation, and social interactions, with technology playing a significant role in facilitating learning and cultural preservation.