explain the error Janine tells her friend that ordered pairs have an x coordinate of 0 lie on the x axis. She uses the origin as an example. Describe Janine's error. Use a counterexample to explain why Janine statement is false.


when x=0, y can be anything, so the points lie on the y axis.

It just happens that (0,0) lies on both axes.

Now show a counterexample.

when x=0, y can be anything, so the points lie on the y axis.

It just happens that (0,0) lies on both axes.

So the answer is 4,JK its 0.0

Janine's error is that she is incorrectly stating that ordered pairs with an x-coordinate of 0 lie on the x-axis. This is not true.

The x-axis is a horizontal line that corresponds to the x-coordinate in a coordinate plane. However, Janine is misunderstanding this concept and mistakenly believes that any ordered pair with an x-coordinate of 0 lies on the x-axis.

To demonstrate why Janine's statement is false, let's consider a counterexample. A counterexample is an example that contradicts a statement.

Let's take the point (0, 5) as our counterexample. In this case, the x-coordinate is 0, but the point does not lie on the x-axis. Instead, it lies on the y-axis. The y-axis is a vertical line that corresponds to the y-coordinate in a coordinate plane.

Therefore, using the counterexample (0, 5), we can see that Janine's statement is incorrect because ordered pairs with an x-coordinate of 0 do not necessarily lie on the x-axis.