Find the percentage composition of (NH4)3PO4

What i don't understand is if the mass of the element isnt given how would i calculate?

To calculate the percentage composition of a compound like (NH4)3PO4, you need to know the molar masses of the elements present in the compound: nitrogen (N), hydrogen (H), phosphorus (P), and oxygen (O).

The molar mass of nitrogen (N) is 14.01 g/mol.
The molar mass of hydrogen (H) is 1.01 g/mol.
The molar mass of phosphorus (P) is 30.97 g/mol.
The molar mass of oxygen (O) is 16.00 g/mol.

The molecular formula (NH4)3PO4 tells us that there are 3 nitrogen atoms, 12 hydrogen atoms, 1 phosphorus atom, and 4 oxygen atoms in the compound.

To calculate the percentage composition:

1. Calculate the total molar mass of (NH4)3PO4 by adding the molar masses of all the atoms:

(3 × N) + (12 × H) + (1 × P) + (4 × O)
(3 × 14.01 g/mol) + (12 × 1.01 g/mol) + (1 × 30.97 g/mol) + (4 × 16.00 g/mol)
42.03 g/mol + 12.12 g/mol + 30.97 g/mol + 64.00 g/mol
149.12 g/mol

2. Calculate the percentage composition of each element:

Nitrogen (N): (3 × N molar mass) / (total molar mass) × 100
(3 × 14.01 g/mol) / 149.12 g/mol × 100
42.03 g/mol / 149.12 g/mol × 100
28.16% (approximately)

Hydrogen (H): (12 × H molar mass) / (total molar mass) × 100
(12 × 1.01 g/mol) / 149.12 g/mol × 100
12.12 g/mol / 149.12 g/mol × 100
8.13% (approximately)

Phosphorus (P): (1 × P molar mass) / (total molar mass) × 100
(1 × 30.97 g/mol) / 149.12 g/mol × 100
30.97 g/mol / 149.12 g/mol × 100
20.78% (approximately)

Oxygen (O): (4 × O molar mass) / (total molar mass) × 100
(4 × 16.00 g/mol) / 149.12 g/mol × 100
64.00 g/mol / 149.12 g/mol × 100
42.93% (approximately)

So, the percentage composition of (NH4)3PO4 is approximately:
N: 28.16%
H: 8.13%
P: 20.78%
O: 42.93%

To calculate the percentage composition of (NH4)3PO4, you need to know the masses of the elements present in the compound. However, if the masses are not given explicitly, you can use the relative atomic masses of the elements to calculate the composition.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Find the molar mass of (NH4)3PO4:
- Molar mass of nitrogen (N) = 14.01 g/mol
- Molar mass of hydrogen (H) = 1.01 g/mol
- Molar mass of phosphorus (P) = 30.97 g/mol
- Molar mass of oxygen (O) = 16.00 g/mol

(NH4)3PO4 = (3 * N) + (12 * H) + P + (4 * O)

2. Calculate the molar mass of (NH4)3PO4 using the values above.

3. Calculate the percentage composition of each element:
- % Nitrogen = (Molar mass of nitrogen / Molar mass of (NH4)3PO4) * 100
- % Hydrogen = (Molar mass of hydrogen / Molar mass of (NH4)3PO4) * 100
- % Phosphorus = (Molar mass of phosphorus / Molar mass of (NH4)3PO4) * 100
- % Oxygen = (Molar mass of oxygen / Molar mass of (NH4)3PO4) * 100

These calculations will give you the percentage composition of each element in (NH4)3PO4, even if the masses are not explicitly given.

Look it up on the periodic table. You get the individual atomic masses as well as adding them to obtain the molar mass.