In the equation c=9h, identify which variable is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable.

h = independent

c = dependent

"c" is basically the "output" value once you "input" a value for "h." Thus, The value of "c" depends on the value of "h."

To identify the independent and dependent variables in the equation c=9h, you need to understand their roles in the equation.

The independent variable is the one that you have control over and can freely choose or manipulate. It is typically represented on the x-axis of a graph.

The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the one that changes in response to the independent variable. It is typically represented on the y-axis of a graph.

In this equation, c=9h, the variable "h" represents the independent variable because it appears on the right side of the equation without any coefficients or constants attached to it. So, in this case, "h" is under your control, and you can choose different values for it.

Conversely, the variable "c" represents the dependent variable because it depends on the value chosen for "h." The value of "c" will change in response to the chosen value of "h" multiplied by 9.

So, to summarize:
Independent variable: h
Dependent variable: c