what decision is facing MTV

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To determine the current decision facing MTV, it is necessary to refer to recent news, announcements, or official statements provided by MTV. Here are steps you can follow to search for the information:

1. Check official sources: Visit MTV's official website or social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Look for any news updates, press releases, or announcements that might provide insights into the decision MTV is facing.

2. Research news articles: Search for recent news articles or stories related to MTV. Major news outlets often cover significant decisions made by well-known companies like MTV. Look for articles from reliable sources that discuss any decisions or challenges MTV might be facing.

3. Follow industry news: Monitor entertainment industry news websites or publications that often report on the decisions and strategies of media companies like MTV. These sources may provide analysis or insider information on the current decisions or challenges confronting MTV.

4. Engage with MTV's community: Check any public forums, fan communities, or social media discussions related to MTV. People often discuss the latest news or emerging decisions in these spaces. Pay attention to any rumors or discussions that provide hints about what MTV might be considering.

Remember that the information you find will depend on the availability of official statements or news coverage. It's advisable to rely on trusted and reputable sources for accurate and up-to-date information regarding the decision(s) currently facing MTV.