6-4b is less than or equal to 14

I got 20 at first
Then -2
Im very confuzzled
Help please

6-4b <= 14

-4b <= 8
b >= -2

Thanks :3

To solve the inequality 6-4b ≤ 14, we need to isolate the variable b. Let's break down the solving process step-by-step:

1. Start by subtracting 6 from both sides of the inequality:
6 - 6 - 4b ≤ 14 - 6
-4b ≤ 8

2. Divide both sides of the inequality by -4. However, when you divide or multiply both sides by a negative number in an inequality, the direction of the inequality sign needs to be reversed. Therefore:
(-4b)/-4 ≥ 8/-4
b ≥ -2

So the solution to the inequality 6-4b ≤ 14 is b ≥ -2.

Now, let's address your attempts:

1. Getting 20: It seems you made an error when subtracting 6 from both sides. It should be:
6 - 6 - 4b ≤ 14 - 6
-4b ≤ 8
Which leads to b ≥ -2.

2. Getting -2: This suggests that you might have misunderstood the steps involved in solving the inequality. The correct solution is b ≥ -2.

I hope this clarifies the confusion and helps you understand how to solve the inequality 6-4b ≤ 14. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!