what 3-d imaging use to capture a digital map of an artifact?

a. electromagnetic radiation

b. laser technologe

c. laser technology

d. photography <---- ?

what technology would be best to use when analyzing the pigments in a large mural?

a. photo editing software <-----

b. 3-d imaging

c. x-ray

d. multi-spectral analysis

The answers to Unit 2 Lesson: 3 for connections are


I got a 4/4 and you'll get a 100%

Thats very rude she just asked for help

its B and D

Blahhh is right

p.s thxz

To capture a digital map of an artifact using 3-D imaging, the most suitable option would be either "b. laser technology" or "c. laser technology." Both options refer to the same technology, and it is commonly used in 3-D scanning to create detailed digital models of objects.

When analyzing the pigments in a large mural, the optimal technology to use would be "d. multi-spectral analysis." Multi-spectral analysis involves capturing images using different wavelengths of light, allowing for the detection of various pigments that may not be visible to the naked eye. This technology helps in identifying and analyzing the different colors and pigments used in the mural.

Although "a. photo editing software" can be used for image post-processing and enhancement, it is not the most appropriate technology for analyzing pigments in a mural. "b. 3-D imaging" focuses on capturing the spatial information of an object rather than analyzing its pigments. "c. x-ray" can be used to reveal hidden features or layers beneath the mural but may not provide detailed information about pigments.

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Shes just desperate for answers so that she doesn't have to do the work. don't pay attention to her.