Common Sense Media's research report shows kids are reading less than ever. Discover the startling statistics -- and what you can do to get your kids back into books.

Do you have a teen who hardly reads? You're not alone. Common Sense Media's latest research report, "Children, Teens, and Reading," shows that adolescents aren't reading for fun much anymore, and their reading achievement hasn't increased for over two decades. What are more, large segments of the population -- black and Latino (compared with white) kids, and boys (compared with girls) in general -- are falling behind.
We reviewed large, national surveys and databases and found trends on kids' reading rates, reading scores, and more. Here's a sampling:

>>Reading rates have dropped precipitously among adolescents.
• 53% of 9-year-olds vs. 17% of 17-year-olds are daily readers.
• The proportion who "never" or "hardly ever" read tripled since 1984. A third of 13-year-olds and 45% of 17-year-olds say they've read for pleasure one to two times a year, if that.

>>Reading achievement among older teens has stagnated.
• Reading scores of 9- and 13-year-olds have improved, but those of 17-year-olds haven't changed in 30 years.

>>There's a persistent gap in reading scores between white, black, and Latino kids.
• 18% black and 20% Latino fourth-graders are rated as "proficient" in reading compared with 46% of white kids at that age (this gap has been relatively unchanged over two decades).

>>There's also a gender gap in reading across ages.
• Girls read 10 minutes more per day than boys on average.
• 12% more girls are rated as proficient in reading than boys.
In a way, the report's findings about teens aren't surprising. Older kids have always read less than younger ones, as the multiple demands of growing up take over. For many, there's simply no time to juggle reading for pleasure with schoolwork, afterschool activities, sports, homework, jobs, and socializing. But some kids are managing to fit it in. Here's how you can help:
Walk the talk. Our study shows parents of frequent readers vs. infrequent readers are more likely to read themselves.
Provide the opportunity. Parents of frequent readers vs. infrequent readers are more likely to keep books at home. Check out our Essential Books Guide and recommended lists of books for tweens and teens to keep up a steady stream.
Set aside time … for them. Look at your kids' schedules and see if there's something you can help take off their plates. Parents of frequent readers vs. infrequent readers are more likely to set aside time for kids to read each day.
Discover pockets of reading. Our study shows people are undecided about whether eBooks are preferable to print books, but we say take it where you can get it. If reading a whole book is too much, almost everything else counts as long as it doesn't spiral down into distraction. Reading fan fiction from his favorite video game? Check. Reading the news on his phone? Check. Reading Wikipedia pages when she's curious about something? Check. Reading blog posts about an interesting topic? Check. Reading The Fault in Our Stars on his ereader or tablet? Definitely check!
Talk to the teacher. Reading scores are important because they're indicators of how kids are doing across most school subjects. If your kid's scores are flagging, find out from his teacher what she -- or school policies -- can do to help.
Start early. Although it's never too late, it's much easier to build habits when kids are young and impressionable. Raise a reader by encouraging your little one.
Help kids connect. When kids can relate personally to a story's characters and circumstances, they may read more. Seek out reading material with diverse characters and situations to encourage kids who may feel as if they don't see themselves reflected in most books.

Rhetorical Devices Used?
Method of Organization/Development? How do you know?
Is there Bias?
Author’s Purpose?

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authors purpose is to persaude

and the tone is formal ? need help on the others

These sites will help you answer these questions.

1. Rhetorical Devices Used: In this passage, the author utilizes statistics and comparisons to emphasize the decline in reading rates among adolescents and the gaps in reading achievement between different demographics. They also use personal anecdotes and suggestions to engage the reader and provide solutions.

2. Method of Organization/Development: The passage uses a combination of statistical data, comparisons, and personal anecdotes to support the main argument that kids are reading less and offers suggestions for getting kids back into books. It starts by presenting the statistics on reading rates, reading achievement, and demographic gaps, then moves on to explain possible reasons for these trends. Finally, it offers practical solutions for parents to encourage reading in their children.

3. Tone: The tone of the passage is informative and somewhat concerned. The author presents the statistics and facts objectively but also expresses concern about the decline in reading rates and the achievement gaps. The suggestions for parents are presented in a supportive and encouraging tone.

4. Bias: While the passage presents statistical data and facts, it is important to consider that the source of the information is Common Sense Media, an organization that focuses on media and technology for children. This may introduce some bias towards promoting reading and traditional forms of media, as opposed to digital alternatives.

5. Author’s Purpose: The author's purpose is to inform parents about the decline in reading rates among adolescents and the implications of this trend. The passage aims to raise awareness about the importance of reading and offers practical suggestions for parents to encourage reading in their children.