When comparing the daily requirements for vitamins and minerals across all life stage groups, it can be said that

A. infants require more vitamin C than children
B. lactating woman require ore folate than pregnate woman
C. more iron is required by teen males compared with teenage females
D. as age goes up, so does phosphorus requirements

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To determine the correct answer, we need to compare the daily requirements for vitamins and minerals across different life stage groups. Here's how:

A. Infants require more vitamin C than children:
To find the daily requirements for vitamin C, we can consult dietary guidelines or reliable sources such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH) or the World Health Organization (WHO). By comparing the recommended daily intake for infants and children, we can determine if infants require more vitamin C than children.

B. Lactating women require more folate than pregnant women:
Similarly, we can find the dietary guidelines or reliable sources that provide the recommended daily intake for folate in both lactating and pregnant women and compare them to see if lactating women require more folate than pregnant women.

C. More iron is required by teen males compared with teenage females:
We can reference dietary guidelines or reliable sources to determine the recommended daily intake for iron in teen males and females and compare them to see if teen males require more iron compared to teenage females.

D. As age goes up, so does phosphorus requirements:
To determine if phosphorus requirements increase with age, we can consult reliable sources such as dietary guidelines or scientific research on the subject. By comparing the recommended daily intake or average requirements for phosphorus in different age groups, we can establish if phosphorus requirements rise with age.

After obtaining the necessary information from reputable sources, we can determine which statement is accurate and choose the correct answer.