Which sentence correctly uses a predicate pronoun as a subject complement?

A. The last arrivals were Joe and

Is it A


A, The last arrivals were Joe and I.
B. This year's soccer champions were Lana and me.
C. The tribute deeply touched my brother and I.
D. My boyfriend became my best friend
Is the answer D?


In order to correctly identify a sentence that uses a predicate pronoun as a subject complement, it is important to know what subject complements and pronouns are.

A subject complement is a word or phrase that follows a linking verb, such as "is" or "were", and provides additional information about the subject of the sentence. It often renames or describes the subject.

A pronoun, on the other hand, is a word that is used instead of a noun to avoid repetition. Pronouns include words like "he", "she", "it", "we", and "they".

Now, let's examine the sentence options you provided:

A. The last arrivals were Joe and

This sentence is incomplete and does not include a predicate pronoun as a subject complement. It lacks a word or phrase that provides additional information about the subject "the last arrivals".

In order to correctly use a predicate pronoun as a subject complement, you could revise the sentence to include a pronoun after the linking verb "were". For example:

B. The last arrivals were they

Now, the pronoun "they" correctly functions as a subject complement, providing additional information about the subject "the last arrivals".

Do you know what a predicate pronoun is?