Which sentence contains a predicate noun?

A. The walk through the tunnel was eerie.
B. I bought Mom a cookbook for her birthday.
C. My dog is master of the household.
D. The ground is uneven.
Is the answer C?
Thank you

Yes. That's right.

Thank you again:)

You are very welcome.

Yes, the correct answer is C. "My dog is master of the household" contains a predicate noun. In this sentence, the subject is "my dog" and the predicate noun is "master."

To identify the predicate noun in a sentence, you need to understand the basic sentence structure. A sentence typically consists of a subject, which is what or whom the sentence is about, and a predicate, which provides information about the subject or what the subject is doing. The predicate noun, also known as a predicate nominative, is a noun or a noun phrase that renames or identifies the subject.

In the sentence "My dog is master of the household," the subject is "my dog," and the verb is "is." The predicate noun is "master" because it renames or identifies the subject "my dog."