how is osmosis different from diffusion?

osmosis refers to the diffusion of water

D answer

is it really?

yes it is really d

Osmosis and diffusion are both processes that involve the movement of molecules. However, they differ in the way they move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.

Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, without the need for a semipermeable membrane. This process occurs due to the natural random motion of particles in a solution. For example, when you open a bottle of perfume in a room, the perfume molecules will gradually spread out and become evenly distributed throughout the room.

Osmosis, on the other hand, is a specific type of diffusion that involves the movement of water molecules across a semipermeable membrane. A semipermeable membrane allows the passage of water but restricts the passage of solute molecules. In osmosis, water moves from an area of lower solute concentration (or higher water concentration) to an area of higher solute concentration (or lower water concentration) until equilibrium is reached on both sides of the membrane. This process is essential for maintaining proper water balance in cells and is involved in various biological processes.

To understand the difference between diffusion and osmosis, it is important to focus on the role of a semipermeable membrane and the movement of water molecules in osmosis compared to the general movement of molecules in diffusion.