Fundi, Halima and Gitonga are employed in a firm. Fundi's monthly salary is $50 more than that of Gitonga. Halima’s monthly salary is $90 more than half of the total amount earned by Fundi and Gitonga. If Fundi's salary is $n, write the equation that represents the total monthly income of the three employees?

Gitonga = n - 50

Fundi = n
Halima = (n + n -50)/2 +90
= n +65
n + n -50 + n +75
= 3n + 15



Let's assign the following variables:

Fundi's salary = n
Gitonga's salary = x (since Fundi's salary is $50 more than Gitonga's)
Halima's salary = (n + x)/2 + 90 (since Halima's salary is $90 more than half of the total amount earned by Fundi and Gitonga)

The equation that represents the total monthly income of the three employees is:
Total monthly income = Fundi's salary + Gitonga's salary + Halima's salary

Substituting the variables, we get:
Total monthly income = n + x + [(n + x)/2 + 90]

To write the equation that represents the total monthly income of the three employees, let's break down the given information.

1. Fundi's monthly salary is $50 more than Gitonga's salary: Fundi's salary = Gitonga's salary + $50

2. Halima’s monthly salary is $90 more than half of the total amount earned by Fundi and Gitonga: Halima's salary = (Fundi's salary + Gitonga's salary)/2 + $90

3. Since we are given that Fundi's salary is $n, we can substitute this value into the first equation: Fundi's salary = $n

Now, to represent the total monthly income, we simply add up the salaries of all three employees:

Total monthly income = Fundi's salary + Halima's salary + Gitonga's salary

Substituting the equations we derived earlier:

Total monthly income = $n + ((Fundi's salary + Gitonga's salary)/2 + $90) + Gitonga's salary

Simplifying further:

Total monthly income = $n + Fundi's salary/2 + Gitonga's salary/2 + $90 + Gitonga's salary

Thus, the equation representing the total monthly income of the three employees is:

Total monthly income = $n + Fundi's salary/2 + 1.5 * Gitonga's salary + $90