If the 4-digit number 4AB2 is divisible by 44, what are the values of A & B?

(Solution pls...)

4012/44 = 91.1

4982/44 = 113.2

So we know that the multiple is between 92 and 113

Since 4*3=12 and 4*8=32 are the only multiples that end in 2, we know that the other number is one of

93 98 103 108 113

44*93 = 4092
44*98 = 4312
44*103 = 4532
44*108 = 4752
44*113 = 4972

So, unless you have some other criteria for A and B, those are the choices.

To find the values of A and B in the 4-digit number 4AB2 that is divisible by 44, we need to understand the divisibility rule for 44.

The divisibility rule for 44 states that a number is divisible by 44 if the last two digits of the number are divisible by 44.

In the given 4-digit number, we have 4AB2. So, the last two digits of the number are 2 and B.

For the number to be divisible by 44, we need to find a value of B that makes the number 2B divisible by 44.

Now, let's check all possible values of B that make 2B divisible by 44:

1. If B = 0, then 2B = 0, which is divisible by 44.
2. If B = 1, then 2B = 2, which is not divisible by 44.
3. If B = 2, then 2B = 4, which is divisible by 44.
4. If B = 3, then 2B = 6, which is not divisible by 44.
5. If B = 4, then 2B = 8, which is not divisible by 44.
6. If B = 5, then 2B = 10, which is not divisible by 44.
7. If B = 6, then 2B = 12, which is divisible by 44.
8. If B = 7, then 2B = 14, which is not divisible by 44.
9. If B = 8, then 2B = 16, which is not divisible by 44.
10. If B = 9, then 2B = 18, which is not divisible by 44.

From the above analysis, we can see that the only values of B that make 2B divisible by 44 are B = 0, B = 2, and B = 6.

Therefore, the possible values for A and B in the 4-digit number 4AB2 that is divisible by 44 are A and B can be any digit, whereas B can be either 0, 2, or 6.