I was looking at wikisource (not wikipedia) at the tale of two cities excerpt but I couldn't understand what I needed for this question.

the fact that the people crowded the area where the wine was spilled and drank the wine suggests that.

a.they were uncivilized
b.they have been living in poverty and depravity
c.the wine is too expensive and valueable
d.none of above

a or b with c being a very small chance
I guess A

Uncivilized? What do you mean by "uncivilized?"

If you read this part in the Dickens' novel, you'll come to a completely different conclusion.

oops I might still be wrong but I meant to say B

I agree with B.

To determine the answer to this question, you need to carefully analyze the information provided in the excerpt from "A Tale of Two Cities" on Wikisource. Here's how you can approach finding the correct answer:

1. Read the excerpt: Begin by reading the passage carefully, paying attention to the details and any clues that might hint towards the answer.

2. Identify the main events: Look for the main event mentioned in the excerpt, which is the spilling of the wine. Take note of how the people react to this event.

3. Evaluate the people's behavior: Consider the actions of the people described in the excerpt. Think about why they would crowd around and drink spilled wine.

4. Analyze the possible options: Now, let's evaluate the given options and see which one aligns most closely with the observations from the excerpt.

a. They were uncivilized: Evaluate whether the people's behavior can be considered uncivilized based on the information provided in the excerpt.

b. They have been living in poverty and depravity: Consider whether the actions of the people drinking spilled wine suggest a life of poverty and depravity.

c. The wine is too expensive and valuable: Assess whether the value or cost of the wine has any significance in the context of the excerpt.

d. None of above: Keep this option in mind in case none of the other options seem fitting.

5. Draw a conclusion: Based on your analysis and reasoning, select the option that best aligns with the situation described in the excerpt.

In this case, based on the fact that the people are crowding around and drinking spilled wine, it can be inferred that they have been living in poverty and depravity. Therefore, the correct answer is option b - "They have been living in poverty and depravity." Option a - "They were uncivilized" could also be a possibility, but it seems less likely based on the given context.

Remember, it's essential to support your answer with evidence from the text rather than making assumptions.