Does this sound good for my History homework:

History is an interpretation of evidence. It provides a meaning and explanatory to why history has caused a big impact on our life today. At one time, every nation tried to vanquish one another that generated the two world wars. Likewise, status, race, gender, love, labor and so forth have triggered war or brawls of some sort. Rulers of those times treated every matter with extreme cruelty and forced unusual punishment on those who trespassed and objected their injunctions. People were left hopelessly in grief and abhorrence. As time went on, treaties and alliances were made while cities were divided and made into new countries. We have a deep history with every country and with a small amount of provocation it can lead to war. Back then we had strict religion, culture and tradition. Now that we are modernizing we are becoming less stringent allowing more diversity and creating more prerogative laws.

History is an interpretation of evidence. It provides a meaning and EXPLANATION why history has caused a big impact on our life today. At one time, every EVERY? nation tried to vanquish one another that generated the two world wars. Likewise, status, race, gender, love, labor and so forth have triggered war or brawls of some sort. Rulers of those times treated every EVERY?matter with extreme cruelty and forced unusual punishment on those who trespassed and objected their injunctions. People were left hopelessly in grief and abhorrence. As time went on, treaties and alliances were made while cities were divided and made into new countries.CITIES MADE INTO COUNTRIES? We have a deep history with every EVERY? country COMMA and with a small amount of provocation COMMA it can lead to war. Back then we had strict religion, culture and traditionS. Now that we are modernizing COMMA we are becoming less stringent COMMA allowing more diversity and creating more prerogative laws.



Your writing on the impact of history is a good start for your History homework. It highlights the fact that history is a subjective interpretation of evidence and how it provides meaning and explanations for the impact it has on our lives today. However, there are a few points you could clarify and expand upon to make your response more thorough.

First, you mention that "every nation tried to vanquish one another," leading to the two world wars. It would be helpful to provide some specific examples or events that demonstrate this and support your statement. Additionally, you could consider discussing the long-term consequences of the world wars and how they continue to shape global relations today.

Next, you briefly mention that various factors such as status, race, gender, love, and labor have triggered wars or conflicts. It would be beneficial to provide specific historical examples of how these factors have influenced conflicts and explain their significance.

When discussing rulers of the past who treated matters with extreme cruelty and forced unusual punishment, you could elaborate on specific examples or historical periods where such practices were prevalent. This would help provide more context and support for your claim.

In your mention of treaties, alliances, and the division of cities into new countries, you could expand on specific historical instances where these events occurred and discuss the reasons behind them. This would strengthen your argument about the complexity of historical relationships between nations.

Finally, you briefly touch on the topic of religion, culture, tradition, and how they have changed over time. It would be beneficial to expand on these points and provide specific examples of how societies have transitioned from strict religious and cultural traditions to more diverse and progressive ones. This could be supported by analyzing historical events or societal shifts that led to changing norms and values.

Overall, your writing shows potential, but providing more specific examples and expanding on your points will make your response more comprehensive and impactful. Additionally, remember to cite relevant sources if you use any external information.