What career path can I fellow doing these subjects?

The question should be, "What do YOU want to do?

I'm clueless that why I'm asking for an advice

To determine the career path that aligns with your subjects of interest, follow these steps:

1. Identify your subjects of interest: Make a list of the subjects you enjoy or excel in. For example, if you love mathematics, physics, and computer science, note these down.

2. Research career possibilities: Use online resources such as career exploration websites, job portals, and professional association websites to explore careers related to your subjects. Look for careers that require skills and knowledge in your chosen subjects. For example, careers like data analyst, software engineer, or actuary might be suitable for someone interested in mathematics, physics, and computer science.

3. Narrow down your options: Once you have gathered a list of potential careers, assess each option to determine the ones that align best with your interests, skills, and long-term goals. Consider factors such as salary, job prospects, work environment, and potential for growth.

4. Explore educational requirements: Look into the educational qualifications typically required for the careers you are interested in. Determine whether a bachelor's degree, further specialized education, or specific certifications are necessary. This research can help you plan your educational pathway accordingly.

5. Gain experience and skills: To make yourself more competitive in your desired career field, seek out opportunities to gain relevant experience and develop the necessary skills. Consider internships, part-time jobs, volunteering, or joining relevant clubs or organizations to acquire practical knowledge and connections within your field of interest.

6. Seek guidance and network: Connect with professionals already working in your desired career field. Attend conferences, industry events, or webinars to network with people who can provide valuable insights into their profession. Additionally, engage with career counselors or mentors who can offer guidance and support in navigating your chosen career path.

Remember, career paths can be flexible and may evolve over time. It's essential to stay curious, open to new opportunities, and continuously learn and adapt as you progress in your chosen field.