for summer homework (which means "hey kids teach yourself something you've never seen while we go to the beach all summer") we got a packet on Organic Nomenclature and Simple Reactions...and there's some parts that I'm just not getting and the packet doesn't go into enough detail for me...

Draw the condensed formula for each of the following compounds
2, 3-dimethyl-2-butene
I don't know what it means when the numbers are separated by commas and hyphens...
I have two and a half days left and I'm just not getting it at all....

A condensed formula shows the functional groups in a molecule and any double or triple bonds, usually, on a single line. Here you have a a 4-carbon chain with a double bond between the 2nd and 3rd carbon. Also, methyl groups on carbons #2 and #3:

Sometimes a formula is condensed partially, showing the main carbon chain correctly in two dimensions but condensing functional groups like CH3. Since I can't show you here, see the above in the link below:

Naming an organic compound or writing its name is not something you learn in one easy lesson. There are so many groups and so many rules. You need a course in organic chemistry just to get started. AP Chemistry and General Chemistry in college cover this very lightly. Here are two links which may be helpful:

1. A nice online textbook on General, Organic, and Biochemistry. Start with the chapter on Alkanes:
2. For a quick lesson on naming and formula writing of organic compounds, go to:

...okay I think I understand it! for the naming...oh dear...thank you so much!

I understand that you're having trouble understanding organic nomenclature and how to draw the condensed formula for compounds like 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene. Don't worry, I'm here to help!

To draw the condensed formula for a compound like 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene, you need to understand how to interpret the numbers and dashes. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start by understanding the basic structure of the compound. In this case, the compound is a butene, which means it contains four carbon atoms in a chain.

2. The numbers before the comma refer to the position of the substituents on the main carbon chain. So, in this case, there are two substituents on the second and third carbon atoms.

3. The numbers connected with hyphens indicate the position of the substituents on the same carbon atom. In this example, the methyl groups (CH3) are attached to the second carbon atom.

4. Now, let's put it all together. Start with a chain of four carbon atoms. Place a double bond between the second and third carbon atoms to indicate that it's a butene. Then, add a methyl group (CH3) at the second carbon atom and another methyl group (CH3) at the third carbon atom.

The condensed formula for 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene would look like this:


Remember, the number of carbons, the position of substituents, and the type of bonds all play a crucial role in determining the condensed formula.

If you want to further practice and understand organic nomenclature, I suggest looking for resources online, such as textbooks, tutorials, or videos, that provide detailed explanations and examples. Additionally, trying to solve more problems and practicing drawing condensed formulas will help improve your understanding.

Don't hesitate to ask more questions if you need further clarification!