Which sentence correctly uses a predicate pronoun as a subject complement? (1 point)

The last arrivals were Joe and I.
This year's soccer champions were Lana and me.
The tribute deeply touched my brother and I.

My boyfriend became my best friend.
8. Which of the following describes the word dew? (1 point)

what happens when you don’t get enough sleep for a few nights
what happens to your teeth when you eat too much candy
what happens to plants in a garden overnight
what happens when you leave a crayon in the sun

9. In which sentence is the word debates used correctly? (1 point)

I love the debates Jill and I have because we agree on everything.
Every morning, Jessica debates whether to have cereal or eggs for breakfast.
We’re going to watch the final debates of the singing competition on television tonight.
She was so lost in her debates about her new dress that she almost missed the turn home.

help? please thank you (:

1.C - no - http://www.chompchomp.com/terms/subjectcomplement.htm

2.C - yes

3.B - yes

I'll be glad to check your answers.



@Ms. Sue

1. The sentence that correctly uses a predicate pronoun as a subject complement is: "My boyfriend became my best friend." In this sentence, "my best friend" is a subject complement that renames or describes the subject "My boyfriend."

2. The word "dew" is described as what happens to plants in a garden overnight. Dew refers to the moisture that condenses on cool surfaces, such as grass and leaves, during the night.

3. The sentence in which "debates" is used correctly is: "We’re going to watch the final debates of the singing competition on television tonight." In this sentence, "debates" refers to the discussion or competition between contestants in the singing competition.