how could you change one of the squares so that a right angle would be created

Drawing a diagonal from one corner of the square to the opposite creates two 45-45-90 triangles.


To change one of the squares in a given context such that a right angle is created, you need to modify one of the square's corners. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

1. Identify the square that you want to modify.
2. Choose one of the corners of the square where you want to create a right angle.
3. Select a point on the adjacent side of the square, such that it forms a right angle with the chosen corner.
4. Measure and record the lengths of the sides of the square.
5. Determine how much you want to change the length of the side next to the chosen corner. You can either increase or decrease its length.
6. Adjust the length of the side next to the chosen corner accordingly by adding or subtracting the desired amount.
7. Recalculate the lengths of the other sides of the square to maintain its shape.
8. Verify that the modified square now has a right angle at the chosen corner by measuring the angles using a protractor or by verifying the Pythagorean Theorem.
9. You can redraw the modified square if necessary to visually confirm the presence of the right angle.

Keep in mind that this procedure assumes that you have control over the measurements and modifications of the square. If you are working with a given geometric shape or an existing object, modifying the shape to create a right angle might not be possible or practical.