Which of the following factors is NOT essential to being able to properly strike an object? (Points : 1)

a).tracking an object with the eyes
b) intercepting an object
c).swinging with force
d).eye-hand coordination

What is your answer?

How can you strike an object if you can't intercept it?

That's wrong, too. Please do not post this question or your answer to it again. I only check multiple-choice questions twice.

Which of the following phrases demonstrates the wording used in more specific content standards? (Points : 1)

a. use correct form on a variety of skills
b. demonstrate different body control skills
c. apply movement vocabulary to fundamental skills
d. travel while changing direction and avoiding obstacles

Tracking an object with the eyes

To determine which factor is NOT essential to being able to properly strike an object, we need to evaluate each option and identify the one that is not directly related to striking an object.

a) Tracking an object with the eyes: This is important for visually tracking the object and gauging its movement, leading to better timing and accuracy in striking. So, it is essential to strike an object properly.

b) Intercepting an object: This involves anticipating the trajectory of the object and positioning oneself to make contact. It is a crucial aspect of striking an object accurately. Therefore, it is also essential.

c) Swinging with force: Striking an object with sufficient force is important for achieving the desired effect. It helps in propelling the object or causing the desired impact. Thus, swinging with force is also essential.

d) Eye-hand coordination: This factor is fundamental in striking an object effectively. It involves the ability to coordinate the movement of the eyes and hands, enabling accurate and timely contact with the object. So, eye-hand coordination is essential.

Based on this evaluation, all the options presented (a, b, c, and d) are essential factors for being able to properly strike an object. Therefore, none of them is NOT essential.