I am trying to figure out how the answer of 0.989 came from the following equation of correlation.


To calculate the answer, 0.989, from the given equation, you need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction).

Let's break down the calculation step by step:

Step 1: Evaluate the numerator of the equation.
7(-5) - (25)(13)
= -35 - 325
= -360

Step 2: Evaluate the denominator of the equation.
7(127) - (25)(x) - (7)(71) - (13)(x)
= 889 - 25x - 497 - 13x
= -38x + 392

Step 3: Simplify the entire equation.
-360 / (-38x + 392)

To find the value of x that makes the fraction equal to 0.989, you'll need to set up an equation:

-360 / (-38x + 392) = 0.989

Step 4: Solve for x.
Multiply both sides of the equation by (-38x + 392):

-360 = 0.989 * (-38x + 392)

Distribute 0.989 across (-38x + 392):

-360 = -37.882x + 387.128

Now, isolate x by subtracting 387.128 from both sides of the equation:

-360 - 387.128 = -37.882x


-747.128 = -37.882x

Divide both sides by -37.882:

x = -747.128 / -37.882
x ≈ 19.7

Therefore, the value of x that makes the fraction equal to 0.989 is approximately 19.7.