You find out your faucet is leaking 10 pints of water every 3 hours. After 6 hours, how many gallons of water will have leaked from the faucet?

How do I solve this problem?

6 hours is twice as long as 3 hours, so twice as many pints will leak: 2*10 = 20

So now you have to ask, how many gallons is that?

one gallon is 8 pints, so I think now you should have no trouble.


To solve this problem, we first need to convert pints to gallons, as the question asks for the answer in gallons. Here's how to do it:

1. Convert pints to gallons:
- There are 8 pints in a gallon, so divide the number of pints (10) by 8 to get the equivalent gallons: 10/8 = 1.25 gallons.

2. Calculate the amount leaked after 6 hours:
- Since the faucet leaks 10 pints every 3 hours, it would leak 20 pints (10 pints x 2 times) in 6 hours.
- Using the conversion we obtained in step 1, we can now calculate the equivalent gallons: 20 pints x 1.25 gallons/pint = 25 gallons.

Therefore, after 6 hours, the faucet would have leaked 25 gallons of water.