What is the best definition of the term satire?

using humor and wit to reveal the strengths of someone or something

using sarcasm, ridicule, or irony to expose the faults of someone or using sarcasm, ridicule, or irony to expose the faults of someone or

using creative writing and art to expose the faults of someone or

using research and evaluation to expose the faults of someone or

The answer is B if you look at my posting on art with all the answers help?thanks gave me all the right answers:)

Thanks so much c:

The best definition of the term satire is: using sarcasm, ridicule, or irony to expose the faults of someone or something.

To arrive at this definition, we can break down the term and analyze its elements. Satire is a form of social commentary that uses various literary techniques to critique or mock human behavior, institutions, or societal issues. It typically employs humor, wit, sarcasm, ridicule, or irony to shed light on the flaws, vices, or absurdities of its subject.

To determine the definition, we can consider the key phrases or characteristics associated with satire: humor, ridicule, and exposing faults. The option "using humor and wit to reveal the strengths of someone or something" seems contrary to the concept of satire, as satire is primarily aimed at highlighting weaknesses or faults rather than strengths. Therefore, it can be eliminated as the best definition.

The option "using research and evaluation to expose the faults of someone or something" is not an accurate description of satire. While research and evaluation might inform satire, they are not the defining elements of the genre itself. Satire is primarily a creative form of expression that employs literary techniques, rather than a purely analytical or investigative process.

Likewise, the option "using creative writing and art to expose the faults of someone or something" provides a closer approximation to the definition of satire, as it correctly identifies creative writing and art as the means of expression. However, it doesn't emphasize the essential elements of ridicule, sarcasm, or irony, which are integral to satire.

Therefore, the most accurate and comprehensive definition of satire is "using sarcasm, ridicule, or irony to expose the faults of someone or something". This formulation encompasses the core elements and purpose of satire as a form of social commentary.

I think it is A.