Which of the following sentence is an illustration of a fused, or run on, sentence?

A.I didn't know which way to turn; every road seemed long and hard.
B.The raccoon in the garage was vicious you could see it in his eyes.
C.You never know where you are going until you get there.
D.Some dogs hate cats. Because they are
born that way I guess.
Answer :B
Am I correct

Yes, you are!


Yes, you are correct. The sentence "The raccoon in the garage was vicious you could see it in his eyes" is an illustration of a fused, or run-on, sentence. A fused sentence occurs when two independent clauses are joined together without any punctuation or conjunction to separate them. In this case, the two independent clauses are "The raccoon in the garage was vicious" and "you could see it in his eyes," which should be separated by a period, semicolon, or conjunction like "and" or "but."