PLEASE SHOW YOUR WORK.. Marty paid $72 for a jacket that had been marked down 20%. Create a linear model to represent this and use it to calculate the original price of the jacket.

(1 - .2)x = 72

Solve for x.

To solve this problem using a linear model, we can start by representing the original price of the jacket as x.

We know that Marty paid $72, which is the reduced price after a 20% discount. To calculate the discounted price, we subtract the discount amount from the original price:

Discounted price = Original price - Discount amount

The discount amount is calculated by multiplying the original price by the discount rate (expressed as a decimal). In this case, the discount rate is 20% or 0.20:

Discount amount = Original price * Discount rate

Substituting the variables, we can rewrite this equation as:

72 = x - (x * 0.20)

Now, we can simplify the equation:

72 = x - 0.20x

To solve for x, we can combine the like terms:

72 = 0.80x

Next, we isolate x by dividing both sides of the equation by 0.80:

72 / 0.80 = x

Using a calculator, we divide 72 by 0.80, which gives us:

90 = x

Therefore, the original price of the jacket was $90.

In summary, the linear model for this problem is:

Original price = Discounted price + (Discount amount)
x = 72 + (x * 0.20)

After simplifying the equation, we find that the original price of the jacket was $90.

To create a linear model to represent this situation, we can use the formula for calculating a discount amount:

Discount = Original Price * Discount Rate

We are given that the discount is 20% and the final discounted price is $72. Let's assume the original price is represented by "x."

So, the equation can be written as:

Discount = x * 0.20

We know that the final discounted price is $72, so the equation can be written as:

$72 = x - (x * 0.20)

Simplifying the equation:

$72 = x - 0.20x

Combining like terms:

$72 = 0.80x

To find the original price (x), we can solve for x:

x = $72 / 0.80

x ≈ $90

Therefore, the original price of the jacket was approximately $90.